Day in the Life

Mar 30, 1892

Journal Entry

March 30, 1892 ~ Wednesday

30th I met with Mr H. G. Coffman A man
writing for the New York World I wrote
2 Letters to J W Woodruff & Sylvia M Thompson
we are having a Hard snow storm to day


Browse people Wilford Woodruff mentioned on this day in his journal. Click on the person's name to view a short bio and other pages they are mentioned on or click on "View in Family Search" to view their FamilySearch profile.

Woodruff, John Henry
26 Aug 1857 - 4 Jan 1923
12 mentions
Thompson, Sylvia Melvina Woodruff
14 Jan 1862 - 7 Aug 1940
137 mentions

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Letter from the Trustees of the L.D.S. College, 30 March 1892
Salt Lake City, . PRESIDENT WILFORD WOODRUFF, and members of the General Board of Education. Dear Brethren: We were notified that you wished us to release Dr. James E. Talmage from the position of Principal of the Latter-day Saints' College. As soon as practicable after receiving the notification, a meeting of the board of trustees of the College was called. It was held on the 9th, day of January, and Dr. Talmage was present. A formidable obstacle in the way of the release was, that we were under contract with the students to conduct scientific classes, to teach which had been one of the duties of Dr. Talmage. The latter thereupon stated that he had anticipated this objection, and that he would continue to teach the scientific classes to the end of the present school year, on condition that he be relieved from all other work. On this understand- ing the College board at once unanimously released him from the Principal- ship, and all work connected with the institution, except the instruction of the scientific classes, according to his own proposal. This was a clear and distinct arrangement, suggested by Dr. Talmage himself, and we had not the remotest idea that he would fail to live up to it. Notwithstanding the facts herein presented, he has absented himself from the College since the 11th, day of March, and the work he agreed to do has not been performed by him from that date. We learn he is now on an excursion to California. He has absented himself without giving any in- timation to the Board of his intention to do so. This is but one of a series of circumstances which have had a demor- alizing effect upon the institution, and placed us in a position the re- verse of enviable.
Letter to Abraham Owen Smoot, 30 March 1892
Salt Lake City, Utah. . PREST. A. O. SMOOT, Utah Stake of Zion. Dear Brother: Your suggestion, contained in your favor of yesterday's date, to create four wards in Springville has our entire approval; and the four brethren proposed by you for Bishops in those newly created wards, are also acceptable to us. We are not acquainted with what priesthood these brethren hold, but we presume, should any of them be Seventies, you have con- sulted with the Presidency of their Quorums, in accordance with the general instructions. Trusting that your health continues to improve, and with the expecta- tion of seeing you at Conference, we remain, Your Brethren, W Woodruff Jos. F. Smith
Letter to William Henry Seegmiller, 30 March 1892
Salt Lake City Prest. William H. Seegmiller Dear Brother: The foregoing is clipped, and copied from the "Richfield Advocate" of a recent date. It naturally awakened somewhat peculiar feelings. We do not know what it means. We are ignorant of what "Spats and Spurs and Sanpete" signify in the connection to which they are here used. Will you kindly and carefully look into this matter, if you find anything wrong, correct it, and report to us. Yours Truly W Woodruff Jos. F. Smith

Mar 30, 1892