Day in the Life

Mar 31, 1892

Journal Entry

March 31, 1892 ~ Thursday

31 I met with the Twelve & had prayers

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Letter from Rose Leigh, 31 March 1892

Elder of the Morman Church. Dear Sir, With this letter I shall send you some copies of the inclosed pamphlet for dis- tribution. Knowing the kindness of heart which characterizes your people I can not but hope a hearty response will be made to an appeal for the suffer- ing Russians. Please lay this cause for immediate action before your congregation, and also use your best endeavors among the rich gentiles of your city. Yours, Rose Leigh.

Letter from Archibald Newell Hill, 31 March 1892

President Wilford Woodruff and Counclours. Dear Brethren if I can be of any Benifet on the 6th of April, puting the Cap Ston on the Temple I would with pleasure take a part as I with Brother Asa Calkins Helde the Flag Pole when the Cornor Stons were Laid I am as ever Your Brother in Christ A. N. Hill Bp Stephens {Ogden}

Letter from Arnold Hirshi, 31 March 1892

Montpelier Brother Wudruff. I am sorry to state that I could not get ready in time to go on my Mission with Brethren Bishof Dubach Stocker & Vaterlaus. now I would be ever so much obliged to you, if you will send me word when the next Missi- onaries go to Germany or Swizerland as I will be ready most any time. will any go in May. if so I would be much pleased. seeing that it would give me time to straighten up my Bussiness. hoping to be favored with an Answer I remain your sincere Brother A. Hirshi Give him the word he needs. J. F. S.

Letter from James Smith, 31 March 1892

California To President Woodruff Salt Lake City Sir, I am requested to obtain from the records of your church a copy of the marriage certificate of John Wilson and Sarah Pixton who were married in Salt Lake City by Rev. Daniel H. Welch about the month of June 18982—(1882) Yours respectfully Jas Smith Justice of the Peace I enclose $250 for fees and if this is not enough I will send the balance. 8 June, D H. Wells, Elias Smith J. W. Cummings

Letter from Benjamin Cluff Jr., 31 March 1892

Provo City, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, Church Board of Education. Dear Brother: I am un- officially informed that a school plan is under con- sideration by the General Board of Education, which if carried into effect will materially change the mode of conferring degrees on graduates of the Academy as explained in the Circular and sanctioned by yourself, Pres. Cannon and Sect. Reynolds. You will pardon I am certain my writing to you on the subject, when you recall that I am personally interested in the matter, as I read the manuscript of the Academy Circular to you and reported to our Board your approval. To the schools and to the public this mode has been fully explained, and about one hundred and eighty normals have in consequence entered upon a regular course of study. Any change, therefore, from the printed plan would place me in a very unenviable light to say the least before the students and Board. May I ask, if you please, to be heard on the

Letter from Oliver Hodgson, 31 March 1892

Salt Lake City Utah To President Wilford Woodruf Dear Bro. On the 30th of December 1891 I recieved a com- munication from you informing me that my name had been presented to you, and accepted, as a missionary to Great Britain. I have defered answering the same ^until now^ hoping the way would be opened whereby I would be able ^to^ arainge my affairs so as to leave my family provided for. Up to the present time however I have not been able to make such araingments It would aford me very much pleasure to comply with your request if my cir- cumstances would admit and I shall labor assidiously to arainge my affairs so that I may be able to comply with

Mar 31, 1892