Day in the Life

Apr 11, 1892

Journal Entry

April 11, 1892 ~ Monday

11. Keys crossed A crown I took Emma & two of her children
Nelly & Alice & went to the Temple & was
drawn up to the top tower in an Elevator myself
& family we all put a Dime apiece into the Top
stone we went through Every room in the House we
saw a great Deal of work yet to be done in order
to get the work done by next April Conference

I returned to the office & met many people on business


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Woodruff, Emma Manella
4 Jul 1860 - 30 Nov 1905
245 mentions
Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1038 mentions
Woodruff, Mary Alice McEwan
2 Jan 1879 - 14 Jan 1916
216 mentions


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Letter from Alonzo Howland Cook, 11 April 1892
Prest Woodruff Dear Bro I was requested by Bro Reynolds at the time my request for more time was granted That when I was ready I should write and you would give me all necessary instruc tinorons I was to have started in Jany last to fill a mission to the Southern States, anI will be ready anytime after the first of June next I would therefor be pleased to hear from you at once Yours Very Truly Alonzo Cook All right. give him a call J. F. S
Letter from Nephi James Valentine, 11 April 1892
Brigham City President Wilford Woodruff. Dear sir I take the opportunity to writ a few times to you for to get your comments as to what I shall do, as you have doubtless heard about the trouble we as a people are having at the Present trial over the bonding of our city. now i have taking a quite an active part in trying to stop the council from bonding but it seems to no avail. I consented to my name being used in bringing an investigation against the city council to prevent them from taking our water and over bonding the city, the council are how ever determined to have the Bonds issued and the water system

Apr 11, 1892