Day in the Life

Apr 24, 1892

Journal Entry

April 24, 1892 ~ Sunday

April 24, 1892
^Sunday^ I spent the day at home reading & resting I set out
3 Japaneese Mulbury trees on Saturday the 23rd

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Letter from Hyrum Smith Lewis, 24 April 1892
Albion Presdt Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, Your letter of March 30th has been received and duly considerd. By the help of God I will be ready at the appointed time Ever praying for the well-fare of Zion I remain your Bro. in the Gospel Hyrum S Lewis William T Harper. Bp Indian Territory O.K. J. F. S.
Letter from Thomas Levis Cox, 24 April 1892
Recd 26 [April,] [1892]. [end of sideways text] Lynne Ward Ogden Utah April 24th 1892 Pres. Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I take pleasure in answering yours of April 19th calling me on a mis- sion to New Zealand and after carefully considering the call I am satisfied that it is by inspiration and acknowledge the hand of the Lord in it and I know the country and the customes of the Natives theirin and as I was amongst the first to present the Gospel to the Natives of that country with President W. M. Bromley in Dec. 1882 and met with success in Cambridge Wiakato over which district I presided. I theirfore feel deeply intrested in the Work of the Maories and I do not excuse myself in any way from the call but de- sire to accomplish the work which has been assigned to me in that country and use the talents which Gods has given me, it is with me the kingdom of God or nothing. Now I would like to place before you a matter for your consideringation first I left New Zealand with my wife and family 3 years ago the 23 of this present month for this country and have not meet with the best of success and I

Apr 24, 1892