Day in the Life

Apr 25, 1892

Journal Entry

April 25, 1892 ~ Monday

25 My fence was put in in front of my house at the
^ A hand pointing to the right^ farm to day I wrote to Susan to day


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Scholes, Susan Cornelia Woodruff
25 Jul 1843 - 6 Oct 1897
361 mentions


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Letter from John Quincy Critchlow, 25 April 1892

Ogdan, Pres Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Bro, I have been making prepar- ations to starte on my mission to the Eastern States, the seventh of May, and will be at your office to be set apart on the sixth. Where will I purchase my ticket, ^and^ what will it cost me. Please let me know, at your earliest convenience. Your Bro. in the Gospel, Jno. Q. Critchlow 2869 Washington Ave. Ogden, 21, As I cannot tell exactly where you are going I cannot answer your question

Letter from John Quincy Critchlow, 25 April 1892

Letter from Louis Gerald Hoagland, 25 April 1892

Salt Lake President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, I received your ^letter^ of the 21 inst, stating that I was accepted as a Miss ionary to New Zealand. I will say it was a great surprise, and also a pleasant one to me. I will say that it did not find me in the best ^of^ circumstance, (financialy) but as I have some four & a ha- lf months to prepair in, and with the aid and assistance of the Lord, I will be on hand and ready to leave San Francisco on the date stated, Sept 15 [18]92 I am wil-

Letter from Louis Gerald Hoagland, 25 April 1892

Apr 25, 1892