Day in the Life

May 4, 1892

Journal Entry

May 04, 1892 ~ Wednesday

4 ^I met with the Twelve in prayer & attended to other Duties^

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Letter from F. T. Lamb, 4 May 1892

Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Sir, I expect to lecture through-out Utah on Religious Liberty. Our principles are set forth in the "American Sentinel" Inclosed find slips from said paper. My object in addressing you, is to learn the valuation of property confiscated, by the U. S. from the Mormon church. If you will inform me by letter you will greatly oblige. Your's in behalf of Religious Liberty, F. T. Lamb.

Letter from Albert Carrington Young, 4 May 1892

SALT LAKE CITY, Prest. Wilford Woodruff. P. O. Box "B" Salt Lake City. Utah. Dear Brother: Replying to your favour of April 30th would say, that I accept the call you have made upon me, and will put forth my best efforts to honour the calling. Regarding my feelings: I am trying to be a consistent latter day saint: love my brethern and obey whatever calls are made upon me by the chosen servants of God. My financial con- dition is poor: but will try and leave my family with relatives, make some arrangments with my creditors, do my duty and

Letter from Magnus Christian Nelson, 4 May 1892

Richfield . President W. Woodruff. Dear Brother Your favor of the 27 April informing me that I have been called to go to New Zealand on a Mission came to hand yesterday. In answer I will say that I am willing to go and shall try my best to be on hand at the appointed time; but as I see that I am to leave San Francisco on the 15th, of Sep., I wish you would please inform me what day I must be in Salt Lake to be set apart. Your Brother in the Gospel Magnus C Nielson This is hereby endorsed by Jos. S. Horne, Bp. O.K. Please inform him. J. F. S.

Letter from Adam Lind Petersen, 4 May 1892

Huntsville To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Dear Brethern. I had a call to go to Europe early in the Spring of 1892. I wrote you an answer stating my reason for not going until next Autumn, which was financial embarrasment. Since then I have tried to untangle myself, and get ready to go. I believe that I can make arrangements to go at the end of this month, in connection

Letter from Lorus Pratt, 4 May 1892

Prests. Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, Joseph F. Smith, Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: We received your communilcation of 18th of last month, several days ago which occasioned us some little alarm, owing to our peculiar situation: There are not one of the boys, but whom are welling to do all they can towards the consumation of so noble a work—and in fact have so ex- pressed themselves in my hearing—bro. Claw- son, in particular, said that it was the heighth of his ambition to do something in this temple but would want much more time than that given in which to do such work and a cahance to complete his studies here before undertaking it, according to ^his^ desire expressed in our other letter. As far as I myself am concerned, I will be ready to start for home when I receive the money. I de- sire to go to Italy and see the works of art there

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Dr to Cash 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Recd from Jaqus Valley Houe 150

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Olaf James Peterson & Lilly J. R. Peterson Paid for Divors 10

May 4, 1892