Day in the Life

May 3, 1892

Journal Entry

May 03, 1892 ~ Tuesday

3 I spent the day in the office I wrote to Sarah I met
^ A hand pointing to the right^ in the Evening with quite a company of Saints at Brother
Horns in honor of Sister Bathsheba Smith Birthday she
Being 70 years of Age many spoke & bore Testimony
we Blessed sister Bathsheba Smith


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Smith, Bathsheba Wilson Bigler
5 Mar 1822 - 20 Sep 1910
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
706 mentions


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Letter from Franklin N. Morris, 3 May 1892

Salt Lake City Presdt Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother I received your Letter of the Thirtieth Saying that my name has been accepted as a missionary to the Indian Teritory I will say that I except the call and will Endeaver to Fill the same as the Lord will give me strenght. I have always Regarded a call of this kind as one of the greatest Honors that could be Bestoed upon an Elder of the Church And hope that I can prove myself worthy of the Calling And will Endeaver to be Present on the day Previous to that appointed for my Departure Your Brother In the Gospel Franklin. N. Morris Alexander Garrick Acting Bp. O. K. J. F. S.

Letter from Hyrum Lewis Hunter, 3 May 1892

Oakley Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear brother Your Letter came to me to day requesting me to go on a mission to the Southern States i will be there at the aponted time if helth permits Your Brother in the Gosple Hyrum Lewis Hunter John L Smith Jr. O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Morris Phelps, 3 May 1892

Montpelier, Idaho, Pres Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro Your Missionary call on me was a supprise and while my means for leaving home and family for so long are verry limidted I will be in Salt Lake City Aug 23 as you desire Your Bro J. M. Phelps Wm L Rich Bp O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from H. Neidig, 3 May 1892

Wampum, Pa. Mr. W. Woodruff First Presidency &c. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Sir:— I do not wish to be troublesome and this may be my last intrusion on your time and attention. What perplexes me is, if Joseph Smith had the wives as alleged and supported by the affidavits you kindly sent me, how comes it that no children were born unto him save from his first wife Emma Hale? The present head of the "Reorganized" Church, earnestly declares to me that "he has publicly challenged the production of one polygamous child born to his father." He further avers that "he has the conclusive proofs that no polygamic children were born among the

Letter from George Lionel Farrell, 3 May 1892

Smithfield, Cache Co., Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I write to say that we held our general fast meeting on Sunday as per advice given in the Deseret News, we met together at ten O'clock, and had a splendid in prayer, praise and thanksgiving until two O'C p.m. when we admi^nis^stered the sacrament, and opened our subscription list's for the completion of the Salt Lake Temple, and I assure you the people felt well, in walking up and handing in their names to the clerk's for that laudable undertaking Old and Young, Rich & Poor, Male & Female, all came up and subscribed the amounts they thought they could furnish within the present year, they kept the Clerks busy, and after closing we found that we had subscribed over a thousand dollars, it was a very disagreable stormy Day, and many of the people were not present, therefore we expect considerable more subscribed. Our Election came off on Monday resulting in the Republicans gaming the Election by 12 votes, and

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

sondries $25 $15 40

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Richards $5 Nailer $4, Coop .75 {shorthand} 26 75 overshoes $1.75 Emma $3 Sondries ^{shorthand} 25 26 75

May 3, 1892