Day in the Life

May 26, 1892

Journal Entry

May 26, 1892 ~ Thursday

26. I spent the day in the office And attended to the business


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Letter from George Goddard, 26 May 1892
President W. Woodruff & Council My dear Brethren, I was pleased and gratified with my short interview with you on Tuesday, especially in reference to the subject of Temperance you kindly called up for remarks. I listened attentively to the position taken by Bros George Q Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith, and since then, having had some reflections bearing on the same, will you kindly bear with me while I express them and give them that consideration their importance deserves. After an Elder has been advocating the Word of Wisdom, would there be any impropriety for him to submit a simple test with a view of finding out how many of his congregation were brought under conviction, and were

May 26, 1892