Day in the Life

May 27, 1892

Journal Entry

May 27, 1892 ~ Friday

27 Sister Tanner called about her son on a
Mission we Also rendered a Decision on Tanners
& Pingree's case


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Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 27 May 1892
Provo, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In conformity with the arranged program for the Fifth Circuit, of which notice had been given to the respective Stake President and Principals, I arrived at Logan, Tuesday, April 19th and was cordially received and hospitably entertained by Prof. J. H. Paul, Principal of the B. Y. College. Wednesday, April was spent exclusively in attending the classexercises at the B. Y. College. It is with much satisfaction that I can report the fine condition of this College in regard to intellectual pro- gress, as well as to spiritual standing and general discipline; although it must be stated that it has been somewhat hard at first for Prof. Paul to partake of the spirit of our educational system; in as much as ^during^ the first few months of his labors at the College his usefulness was greatly im- paired by his vigorous participation in the struggles of the political arena and his theological instructions being based too much upon the vain philosophies of the age, both of which mistakes Bro. Paul is manly striving to overcome. It is to be regretted that by the time this efficient teacher, promising^es^ to become such a valuable co-labour of ours, will g will leave the educational profession and
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
cash from Jack {shorthand} 100
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
H B Clawson $16.50 duster $5 21 50

May 27, 1892