Day in the Life

Jun 2, 1892

Journal Entry

June 02, 1892 ~ Thursday

2. I went to the office met with the Bank at 10 oclok
Met with the board of Education at 11 oclok Met with
the Twelve at 2 oclok for Prayers


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Letter from Charles Ellis, 2 June 1892

Salt Lake Presdt Woodruff & Counselors Gentlemen: I find on my return from Denver most cruel, false & infamous charges prepared against me before you, in the News office and elsewhere by a man who is son in law to Prest Snow. The man is in the city. I asked him yesterday to call upon you & state what he said to me. He declined to do so. I have asked Prest Snow to give me a hearing today before the Quorum of the Twelve. I ask you as a favor to me to do what you can to have this matter thoroughly investigated. The most bitter thing about it is that this ^it^ thing should come from people who are, if not Mormons, at least most intimately related to them. I am also convinced that it is an infamous scheme to injure me, & I assure ^you^ I shall not rest until I know who is to blame. Believing that you would not knowingly countenance any attempt to do me wrong, I ask you to encourage & aid, as you can, any efforts to get at the truth. Respectfully yours Charles Ellis (I wait your reply in the officehall.)

Letter from Thomas E. Wissing, 2 June 1892

City To the First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Dear Brethern As I have heard and read, that there is gone to be sent down to settle in Mexiko, some Mormon Famillys This Summer, undersigned born and raised a Mormon in the old Country, would like to know how to come down there and I know several other respectable Families (Farmers) who would also like to go. I myself is in possesion of several Languages, susch as Scandinavian, German and others and would like if possible go down and start

Telegram from Orson Smith, 2 June 1892

Received at 150 ^79^ Main St., Salt Lake City at 7:50 pm. Dated, Logan UT 2 To Wilford Woodruff I have inquired of Hyrum Richmond, Wellsville & Logan can find nothing of the kind in circulation Orson Smith LINES TO ALL PRINCIPLE POINTS IN UTAH, PIOCHE, NEVADA, AND PARIS, IDAHO. [sidways text] READ THE NOTICE AT THE TOP. [end of sideways text]

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Eric Hogan & Amelia E Reynolds Paid for a Divorce Bountiful 10 Andrew B Benzon & Catherine Nickal Benzon Paid for Divorce 10

Jun 2, 1892