Day in the Life

Jun 8, 1892

Journal Entry

June 08, 1892 ~ Wednesday

8 We drove to Rush Lake & Dined 28 Miles then to
Cedar 14 Miles & spent the night Distance 42 Miles
We held a Meeting G Q Cannon spoke 40 Minuts
W Woodruff spoke 20 M[inutes]. spent the night with Bishop Corry
we got two Telegrams from J F Smith abot the
convention & city Matters


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2260 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4129 mentions
33 mentions


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Letter from Lorus Pratt, 8 June 1892
Prests. Wilford Woodruff, Geo. Q. Cannon, Jos. F. Smith, Dear Brethren: We re- ceived your letters with money enclosed to the amounts of $4500 00/100 and $1000 00/100. We noted your instructions about the division thereof and will act accordingly. Accept of our thanks. We had borrowed a small amount of money from a missionary in Germany in order to pay our rent. We were just in the act of formulating a telegram when your letter with $500 came to hand and saved us this expense. Bro. Fairbanks was out in the country with a lanscape artist but was obliged to return to Paris and wait for money with the rest of us. He has rgone back, again. NBros. Evans, Haag and my- self are at present situated at at small village near Fountain Ebleau forrest and are spending our time sketching from a
Letter from Lars Peterson, 8 June 1892
Independence, Mo. . Precedent W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Sir. Truth, Embraceth Truth! In the fear of god, and with the most sincere desire in my heart for you temporal and Spiritual wel- fire, and with great respect for your faithfulness to the mission god have called you to perform; I must send you the warning, as the day has come for a separation of the wheat, and the tares. A few years ago I had a view of the temporal existence of man, myself included, this view made me to hate my one life, I begun to hate my one desire, and the beastly desires that had full control of both men and woman in all the world. And when I begun to tell of what I was convinced of to be true, than, all my Brethren and religjous friends begin to watch me as a vile man, and that made me to search the Scriptures more diligently. And when I found that Joseph Smith, and Jesus Christ, and Paul, and all the ancient Apostles have had some views, and hate the same things, as I. That knowledge incrased my faith in the holy Scriptures. Therefore the fact is established,

Jun 8, 1892