Day in the Life

Jun 30, 1892

Journal Entry

June 30, 1892 ~ Thursday

30 I spent the day in the office I met with Br
Moses Thatcher & the Logan Band of young Musicians
I met with Brother Tanner I went to the Theater in
the Evening I finished my Hay stack at the farm to day


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Letter from Matilda J. Ellingwood, 30 June 1892
Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Dear Sir: Your favor of June ninth was received, and we wish to thank you for your kindness. I should have written before, but have been thinking some one might see the piece in the paper that knew my son and so give me some information concerning him. But as yet we have heard nothing about him. Some one told me that about a year ago some of the Mormons went to New Mexico to build a railroad; Do you know of any body that went? If you do, and would send me their names I would write to them and would be greatly obliged to you for your assistance. Do you know of any way in which I can obtain any knowledge concerning him? Do you think if his father should go out there he could

Jun 30, 1892