Day in the Life

Jul 1, 1892

Journal Entry

July 01, 1892 ~ Friday

July 1. I spent the day in the office I Met with a
Brother Morrie who is Associated with Andrew J
who has Entered into a Land scheme in
Mexico I Als had an interview with a man by the
Name of Edwards who has been a cripple from childhood
caused By taking calomel He is travelling over
the world with a small carriag & 4 goats I gave him $5


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Letter from Marriner Wood Merrill, 1 July 1892

Logan, Utah Prest Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro if it Meets your approvel we would like to Close the Temple for renovation and repairs about the 20th or 22nd of July and Open again about the same time in August — if you approve of this, we will give notice in the News papers; and also if you will approve, Thomas J Steven, Bishop of the 5th ward Ogden City with His wives would like to receive their 2nd Annointings, He I think is an excelent good Man and worthey, has had failing Health for some time, is now working here for His Dead Kindred, but is quite feeble, if you can approve of the above, please endorss this and return and much Oblege Respectfully yours M. W. Merrill

Letter from Michael Martin Norman, 1 June 1892

Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear President: Your letter, notifying me of my missionary call to Scandinavia, has been re- ceived with pleasure. The date of departure is Aug. 6th [18]92, but my financial circumstan- ces will not permit to leave at the stated time. For this reason, I would be pleased if the leaving could be postponed until ^earley in^ October [18]92, by which time I can make myself ready. Yours truely Michael Norman. Samuel Oldham Bishop of Paradise Ward. see over

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Dr to Cash 25

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sondries $25 to Owen $5 230 [July 1] at store $5 $4.50 9.50 50 [July 1] in Calafornia $20; Josephine 3 23 for Painting 2 Carriages 41 [July 1] store Bill $8.50 Culigtta 16 24.60 60

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash on 130 shars Bank stock 8 1040

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sundries $25 25 [July 1] Paid Zion Savig Bank 536 88 [July 1] Paid Edwards the cripple Edwards 5

Jul 1, 1892