Day in the Life

Jul 2, 1892

Journal Entry

July 02, 1892 ~ Saturday

July 2nd 1892
For the first time in my life I was served with a
Notification of $50 damage by a Mr Yager for
putting some coars straw in a small ditch of my own
on my own land to go across on to draw some Haw [hay]
I was summonds before a Justice of the peace

I spent most of the day at home


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Letter from John Vickers, 2 July 1892
Nephi, President Woodruff Dear Sir I recieved a letter from you wrote by Wm Bellemy and I knew him forty years ago but have not seen him since he was a member of the Church at that time also his wife and parents. if you need any more information apply to J E Taylor S. L. City. I remain your brother in the Gospel John Vickers

Jul 2, 1892