Day in the Life

Sep 9, 1892

Journal Entry

September 09, 1892 ~ Friday

9. Nephi Clayton called upon us at Granite & spent
the day & returned in the Evening


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Letter from Andrew Nathan Holdaway, 9 September 1892

Pres Wiflford Woodruff, Dear Brother, In regards to my call for a mission, Will say, I believe I am as willing & ready as any man, who, may be as weak as I am. But it has been the most unexpected thing that could have struck me, not even having an intimation of such a thing, & just starting out on a new Home, Which I am yet obligated for, & which needs much improving & fixing up. I did not think I would be called at this

Letter from Andrew Sander, 9 September 1892

Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lak City Dear, Brother Last evening I received ^your^ letter sent to me to Loa Wayne Co. Noteifying me that ^my^ name has been suggested and eccepted as a Missionary to Sandinavia. I am thankful to my God that I have been counted worthy of this call and I am willing to go. But I have to state to you the plane fact as to my cursumstanses, and then it is for you to dicide whether I am to start on October 22nd [18]92 or not. I am here at Milford hauling Freight out in Nevada, and I have a

Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 9 September 1892

President Wilford Woodruff. & Counsellors Salt Lake City Dear Brethren; It becomes my painful duty to report the death of our fellow laborer, Bro Otto Chipman ^of American Fork^ afterabout a weeks illness. during which time he was attended by aElder T. C. Stanford, myself and Elders Madsen and hamblin was with him the last night. He had been delirious for three days before death, yet he recognized and called each of us by name upon our arrival but soon after relapsed into his former condition being lost to surroundings. He died on the 31st of August and will be shipped by the outgoing mail. Elder Stanford and Hawkes will accompany his body home. His death sickness is traceable to getting wet through a canoe capsizing. Elder Chipman was making good progress in the language ^during his six months here^ and gave promise of becoming a very efficient missionary. But it has been otherwise ordained. The sympathy of the Elders for his wife and relatives, and sorrow at parting with a true friend has cast a gloom over all. Yet

Daybook (12 August 1892 - 10 October 1892)

9 I spent the Day at Granite Nephi Clayton & wife spent most of the day with me

Education - St. George Stake Board of Education certificate, 9 September 1892

Given at Salt Lake City, Utah, . IN BEHALF OF THE BOARD, Wilford Woodruff President. Geo. Reynolds Secretary.


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Sep 9, 1892