Day in the Life

Sep 10, 1892

Journal Entry

September 10, 1892 ~ Saturday

10. My team came up to day we put down on the
Dining Room floor a plank & 4 studing to hold
up the roof from a heavy body of snow in the
winter we then packed up Every thing we wished
to take home & loaded into the waggon we then locked
up the rooms & returned home to Farmers ward 20 M[iles].

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Letter from Christian William Sorensen, 10 September 1892
Mt Pleasant Pres. Woodruff Dear Bro. Yours of the 20th ult is at hand and in reply will say I am willing to take a mission. I was born in the Territory of Utah but my parents em- igrated from the suburbs of Fredrickshaven, Denmark, two or three years before my berth. I will try to have my affairs so arranged that I can leave, for Salt Lake, on the 21st ^Prox.^ the day be fore I'm to leave there, but as the train does not get there till about 4 P.M., you will please notify me if that will not be early enough to be set apart that day. Your Bro in the Gospel C. W. Sorensen. C. N. Lund Bishop All right. J. F. S.
Daybook (12 August 1892 - 10 October 1892)
10 Peter Brought up Lumber
Daybook (12 August 1892 - 10 October 1892)
10 & we fixed up the Dining Room for Winter and packed up our things & ret[u]rned to Salt Lake Cy our Home Farm[ers] ward & sp[en]t the night 20 M[iles]


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Sep 10, 1892