Day in the Life

Sep 15, 1892

Journal Entry

September 15, 1892 ~ Thursday

I spent near an hour in the big Tabernacle shaking
hands with the large company from the United States
& Canida Thousands are coming from abroad to
Be[ho]ld the glory thereof

15 I met with the Z.C.M.I. Board & with the Twelve I had
much company all day


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Letter from Christian Nielsen Lund, 15 September 1892

President. W Woodruff S. L. City Dear Brother: Bro A. C. Olson of this Ward has received a letter from you in regard to going on a mission to Scandinavia, he is at present away from home, but has sent word for me to answer your letter for him that he will be on hand if all be well to leave at the time named. Your Brother in the Gospel C. N. Lund Bp. All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 15 September 1892

Chattanooga, Tenn., . President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: You will please find enclosed Quarterly Report of Southern States Mission ending Aug 31 [18]92 You will notice report shows a total of 1509 members. We have reason to believe that we have not more than 1000 members. Our records are not accurate. Many have emigrated and no record made in conferences. Others owing to the scattered condition of our people have not been visited for years and are not known by Elders now laboring in the South. We intend using the hot months of July and August in visiting and looking up these scattered saints, using every effort to increase their faith until they can gather out, and at the same time correct our records. We have already found quite a number. Loosing sight of the people is accounted for in this way: We have been compelled to leave old fields of labor, and have done so, with con- siderable success ^The lost people are in Tenn Kentucky, Ga—caused by mission in Tenn^ Our last report showed 77 baptisms; this report shows 165 and there has

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Borrow of Jack's 500

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid for valley Hous side walk 489 60


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Sep 15, 1892