Day in the Life

Sep 14, 1892

Journal Entry

September 14, 1892 ~ Wednesday

14 Keys crossed G Q Cannon & myself met with 100 visitors in the
tabernacle from all over the U.S.A. we shook hands
with them Many of the Gentils are coming to Zione


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2295 mentions


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Letter from Robert Gray Fraser Jr., 14 September 1892
Gunnison, Utah, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother. We have seen Elder Lars Myrup who is called to go on a mission from the 65th Quorum of Seventies, residence Gunnison Ward; and we think he is spiritually and temporally unqualifyed to go on said mission. And we have advised him not to go untill he hear from you. And we would ask you to release him, if it meets your aprowal [approval]. Respectfully your brethren Robert G Fraser Austin Kearnes Edmund Sandersen Presidents 65 Quorum Christian A. Madsen Bp John Larson Counsellor Let him be released, as requested. J. F. S
Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 14 September 1892
Provo, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Prof. Benj. Cluff has just informed me that his proposition to have your daughter Mary engaged as teacher in the B. Y. Academy, has been accepted by this Board, and that he has written her to that effect, expecting her to be here by tomorrow to enter upon her duties. I returned from Malad Stake Conference last night, and ^am^ happy to report that the de- cision of the General Board of Education in regard to the locating of the Stake Academy at Malad, has been unanimously sus- tained by the People. With kind regards Karl G. Maeser


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Sep 14, 1892