Day in the Life

Sep 26, 1892

Journal Entry

September 26, 1892 ~ Monday

26 I met the sisters at the office & Apointed a Meeting of
the Primaries On the 7 Oct Br Gibbs read me a copy of
the Letter sent to G Q. C.


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions


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Letter from Edwin James Farnes, 26 September 1892
Dear Brother Your kind and Welcome letter came to hand Sept 25 stating for me to fullfil a mission to Great Britian which call and a duty has a Elder in the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints and that mission I am willing to perform and to stay on my mission as long as my president wish for me to stay and I esteem it duty likewise a prievelge to respond to that call and to work under the directions of my president in what part of the vineyard I may have to Labour in I shall not procrastinate the time of being at S L City Your Brother in the Gospel E J Farnes A. O. Ingelstrom Bisp. All right. J. F. S.
Letter from George Teasdale, 26 September 1892
Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: On Saturday even- ing, the 24th, inst Bros E. L. Taylor, Isaac Turley, Hyrum J. Judd, James Scowson, Amos & Theodore Cox, Hyrum Whipple, Orange Jones, E. S. Nichols & two mexicans, with Price Williams Nelson from Cave Valley arrived in Juarez, having returned from an unsuccessful pursuit of the indians. On Sun- day, after the afternoon meeting, we held a meet- ing of the brethren, when a report was made by Bro. E. L. Taylor, who had charge of the posse and Isaac Turley his assistant. The posse had been to the saw mills on the San Pedro Ranch, to Berresfords, Dry Valley, Cave Valley, the Cliff ranch and circled all round after being strengthened by Bros. Geo. C. Williams, Price Wms Nelson and another brother but the trail of the indians had been so covered up that they failed to discover which way they had gone &c This led to a free expression of the condition we were in as colonists and the necessity of an or- ganization of some kind more than we had and


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Sep 26, 1892