Day in the Life

Oct 1, 1892

Journal Entry

October 01, 1892 ~ Saturday

Oct 1. I went to the office a short time & returned & spent
the day in Part in the Garden {I dug my potatoes}


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Letter from George Davis Merkley, 1 October 1892
Pres. W. Woodruff Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your communication of the 23rd ult. just received. In answer to same will say that I accept the call and, with God's help, will be at the Historian's Office on the date mentioned Bp Shaffer and his council being absent from home I shall have this endorsed by the stake officials Very Respectfully Your Brother in the Gospe[l] George D. Merkley
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898


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Oct 1, 1892