Day in the Life

Sep 30, 1892

Journal Entry

September 30, 1892 ~ Friday

30 We heard of Otto Chipman's Death at New Zealand ^I spent the night at President G Q Cannons at a weding party^


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2284 mentions
7 mentions


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Letter from Lorenzo Dowe Rudd, circa 30 September 1892
Letter from Andrew Kimball, 30 September 1892
Elba, Idaho, . To the First Presidency Salt Lake City, Dear Brethren: I wrote you from Black- foot Idaho, several days since the condition of Elder Allen in the I. T. I received word today that the [he] and his companion have returned to Briartown and have not received the message I wired them at Mc Alester. He is no better from the last report. I have forwarded his release and instructions to enquire for ticket at Ft. Gibson. Please to grant the requisition and hand the enclosed to Bro W. C. Spence and oblige Your Brother in the Gospel Andrew Kimball. P.S. Will be home about the 3rd A. K.


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Sep 30, 1892