Day in the Life

Nov 2, 1892

Journal Entry

November 02, 1892 ~ Wednesday

2nd I met with several of the Brethren Joseph F Smith
returned from Logan conference David Stoker retu[rne]d
sick from his mission I signed 121 Letters to
Saints for Temple money H P Timothy Mets called
Just returned from Holland said there were 461 souls
of Latter Day Saints in Holland 260 been baptized
in 1891–2. 56 Emigrated He says Brother
Simmons would be the best Man to preside They
have 5 Missionaries need 15


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Stoker, David
21 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
4143 mentions
6 mentions


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Letter from George Hetherington Wallace, 2 November 1892
Salt Lake City Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 28th received and contents noted, in reply I make the following statement of my condition. I was married on the 8th of June last. I have just received a loan of $750.00 from the Z.B.B.S. to help me pay for my home and I also own my Father Henry Wallace $200.00. On Aug 20th last I entered into contract with the American Biscuit & M'f'g Co. to remain in their employ, as cashier, for the term of 5 years. I have no income outside of my wages. I submit the above to your consideration and I am ready and willing to go on this mission if you so decide. An early answer will gredatly oblige me because I will have to give my employers notice if you decide that I may go. Your brother in the Gospel Geo. H. Wallace. President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Bror Wallace is an Excellent young man, but it is for you to decide, the statements he makes, is correct. Elias Morris Bishop
Letter from Reuben Miller Wright, 2 November 1892
Brigham Utah W Woodruff SaltLake ut Dear Bro: I am in receipt of your Communication of Oct 27th, and will be ready to leave SaltLake on December 3rd 1892 as requested. Truly Yours Reuben. M. Wright. Bp Henry Tingey Brigham City All right J. F. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Divided from Deseret National Bank 20


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Nov 2, 1892