Day in the Life

Nov 6, 1892

Journal Entry

November 06, 1892 ~ Sunday

6. Sunday I spent the day at home {praying and attending to [ordinances]}

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Letter from Miss A. O. Porter, 6 November 1892
Mr Woodruff, Dr Sir, I have recently formed the acqueintance of Mr & Mrs R M Thompson who are sojourning here for a time, and in conversation with them they mentioned their pleasant sojourn in your city and your kind- ness to them while there. Presuming upon their mention of you, I wish to make some inquiries concerning a party of whom you may have known at some time. I was born and raised in Kirtland O. not many miles from Kirtland. A great many years ago a Mormon preacher by the name of Reed married my mMothers Sister and went to Nauvoo Mo. The family have never heard of her since. I have tried many times to find out what became of her but never succeeded. Did you ever know aught of them? Her maiden name was Buckingham and she lived at Bundysburgh, O. She still has a sister living within 4 miles of the Mormon Temple at Kirtland O. I dare say there are many there yet whom you remember well. If you ever knew aught of her or if any of your people who once lived at Nauvoo, or if she has any children living you will confer a great favor by putting me in communication with them. Very Resp. by Miss A O Porter (over)


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Nov 6, 1892