Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 5 November 1892
President Wilford Woodruff & Counsellors
Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A.
Dear Brethren;
By the outgoing mail boat
"S S Monowai" four Elders will depart for home, all
of which have fperformed good missions and have
been hounourably released: They are O. C. Dunford
P P. Thomas, A. L. Young, and J. H. Thorpe.
I believe I wrote
in my last for return fares for Elders Bennion and Taylor
if not please send by return mail. Five ^six^ Elders will
be required by march and can return with the
"Monowai" ^on her next trip,^ if the present boats keep on the line
in their present order.
On my arrival here
President Bingham told me that there was a
balance yet due ^you^ on an ammount
loaned this mission on publishing the Book
of Mormon but I find no account of
the same and would be obliged for a state-
ment of the acc't.
The Alameda is
now over due from 'Frisco but not in.
but is probably signalled, but I must close
or will be to late.
As ever
Yours etc
W. T. Stewart