Day in the Life

Nov 5, 1892

Journal Entry

November 05, 1892 ~ Saturday

5. I spent the day at home

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Letter from William Thomas Stewart, 5 November 1892

President Wilford Woodruff & Counsellors Salt Lake City Utah U.S.A. Dear Brethren; By the outgoing mail boat "S S Monowai" four Elders will depart for home, all of which have fperformed good missions and have been hounourably released: They are O. C. Dunford P P. Thomas, A. L. Young, and J. H. Thorpe. I believe I wrote in my last for return fares for Elders Bennion and Taylor if not please send by return mail. Five ^six^ Elders will be required by march and can return with the "Monowai" ^on her next trip,^ if the present boats keep on the line in their present order. On my arrival here President Bingham told me that there was a balance yet due ^you^ on an ammount loaned this mission on publishing the Book of Mormon but I find no account of the same and would be obliged for a state- ment of the acc't. The Alameda is now over due from 'Frisco but not in. but is probably signalled, but I must close or will be to late. As ever Yours etc W. T. Stewart

Letter from Isaac A. Clayton, 5 November 1892

Salt Lake City, President Wilford Woodruff, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, City. Dear Brother: Replying to your circular letter of the 28th ult. I am at all times subject to the direction of the authorities, and if it is desir- ed that I go on the mission mentioned at once I will do so. I desire to state, however, that I am considerably involved financially and am carrying quite a large interest in the Salt Lake and Los Angeles Ry. Co., Saltair Beach Company, and Inter-Mountain Salt Company, and should it be deemed necessary for me to fill this mission at the presnent my interests in these Companies would have to be sacrificed and I would be considerably embarrassed financuially in other directions. I real- ize that all these affairs should be secondary when a call is made on a servant of the Lord to labor in his vineyard and consequently hold myself subject to your wishes in the premises. Your Brother in the Gospel, Isaac A. Clayton I am acquainted with my brother Isaac's financial condition and know the statement above to be true Your Brother N. W. Clayton

Letter from Thomas E. Taylor, 5 November 1892

SALT LAKE CITY, President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro. Replying to yours 4 Inst. notifying me of appointment as a missionary to Great Britain, with request that I be ready to leave this city on Dec 6, will say that I shall be ready to leave on date named. Your brother Thos E Taylor Geo H Taylor Bsh 14th Ward O.K. J. F. S.

Letter from S. R. Smith, 5 November 1892

Wilford Woodruff, President of the Mormons, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Sir: I presume you receivd a letter from me a few weeks ago in regard to myself, which letter, you did not see cause to reply to, and as regards your silence and non-action, I have no fault to find, and today I take the liberty to address you regarding religion, hoping you will in the first place give my letter careful perusal, and in the second place th- at you will neither look upon me as an intruder or crank. N- ow, with this short preface and with the further remark, that you will not become offended at anything I may say, I proceed: In the first place, allow me to remark that it is of course noth- ing to me what you believe, but if I believe I can show you a plain truth and at the same time show you, wherein you have been misled, will I not do well to undertake it? and will you not do well to lend me your attention? I am a con- firmed invalid and am able to do little, if anything, except write, and frequently not able to do that, and therefore I will rem- ark once more, that I hope you will not consider me an int- rusive religious crank, since, as you know, there has been and are at present many religious cranks, and other kinds too: As I learn from your history, and other documents written by some of your own people, you accept the Bible as an inspired book, and aside form this fact, it is admitted by every body who knows what they are talking about, that it is the oldest and only record in existence that gives an account of the w- orld and its inhabitants from the beginning. Now, as you

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Cash $25 Cash $25 $25 75 $280

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Paid Smith Bill 10 35


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Nov 5, 1892