Day in the Life

Nov 9, 1892

Journal Entry

November 09, 1892 ~ Wednesday

9. I spent the day in the office Silas S Smith presented
us a Map of the Hammon Ditch & a Bill of $2646.50
which we paid him


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Smith, Silas Sanford
20 Oct 1830 - 11 Oct 1910
57 mentions


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Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 9 November 1892
[end of sideways text] LATTER-DAY SAINTS', EUROPEAN PRINTING PUBLISHING AND EMIGRATION OFFICE. 42, Islington, Liverpool, Nov. 9 1892. Prest. W. Woodruff & Counsellors Dear Brethren: I am pleas- ed to write you again and state a few things in relation to this mission. My son Albert suceeded Bro. Cutler in the office and is working hard and doing well. Wilby is getting on beyond my expectation, and I am thank- ful to have him with me in the star office. Bro. Callister is with me and doing well Altogether we are getting on excellently. I sail on Sat. 12th inst on ^S.S.^ Arizona with my family, whom I expect to see safe on the cars at N. Y. and then return on ^same^ steamer to this port. Have called Bro. Moore (President Scottish Conference) to council with the boys and give them the benefit of his experience on doctrine etc. It is up hill business trying to get out of 42 but we are making enquires gaining infor- mation on the printing business.
Letter from Hugh McKay, 9 November 1892
Prest W. Woodruff Dear Brother I have received your letter of Oct 6, notifying me of a mission to Great Briton I accept the call with pleasure and will be on hand on the date mention (Nov 19) Your Bro in the gospel Hugh McKay all right J. F. S.
Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 9 November 1892
Rexburg, Idaho, President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, At the last meeting of our High Council Wyman M. Parker late Bishop of Parker Ward who is about 65 years of age was recommended and unanimously sustained to be ordained a Patriarch in our stake subject to your approval Your Brother in the Gospel T E Ricks


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Nov 9, 1892