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Day in the Life

Nov 16, 1892

Journal Entry

November 16, 1892 ~ Wednesday

16. I spent the day in the office Met with several Brethren
I had a view of the painting By Alfred Lambourne
of the Hill Comorah which was a Beautiful painting


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Letter from William G. Patrick, 16 November 1892
President Willford Woodruff. Dear Brother Yours of the 28th received. Stating that my name with others had been selected to take a mission to the Southern Statens as earley as Dec 3rd. I will state that I consider it a great honour you have confered on me, and will be ready to go on the Date mentioned Your Bro in the Gospel. Wm G Patrick All right. J. F. S. I endorse the above communication O. F. Whitney Bp 18th Wd Nov. 16, 1892


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Nov 16, 1892