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Day in the Life

Nov 15, 1892

Journal Entry

November 15, 1892 ~ Tuesday

15 Sarah called at the office on her way to Provo
several of the Twelve came in And it was voted
by G Q Cannon J F Smith F D Richards F M
& John Henry Smith that my services
should be increased in wages from $416.66 to
$500 a month as Trustee in Trust from the time
of my Apointment


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Lyman, Francis Marion
12 Jan 1840 - 16 Nov 1916
240 mentions
Richards, Franklin Dewey
2 Apr 1821 - 9 Dec 1899
784 mentions
1966 mentions
Smith, John Henry
18 Sep 1848 - 13 Oct 1911
258 mentions
Smith, Joseph Fielding
13 Nov 1838 - 19 Nov 1918
3567 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
694 mentions


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Letter from Richard Nephi Hill, 15 November 1892
Smihfield, Prest. W. Woodruff, Your letter calling me on a mission to Holland is received, and in answer will say that I am ready to go there or to Germany as you wish. Your Bro in the gospel, Richard N. Hill All right. let him be asigned where he will be most needed J. F. S.
Letter from John A. Hill, 15 November 1892
Ogden Utah. Prest W. Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother In ansure to your letter of the 11th Inst desireing me to take a mision to preach the gospel. I will say, that althouhh my curcumstances are not such as I could wish to leave my family. I feel to trust in god, for the resuld having faith that all will be well. thirefor I cheefuly respond being disiorous of performing my Duty as a servant of god. I will be on hand at the time aponted to be set apart god being willing very Respectfuly Your Brother John A Hill Ogden I indorse Bro Hill B White Bp 3d ward Ogden O.K. J. F. S.


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Nov 15, 1892