Day in the Life

Nov 27, 1892

Journal Entry

November 27, 1892 ~ Sunday

27. Sunday I spent this day reading

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Letter from David Hunt Doxey, 27 November 1892
Ogden President Wilford Woodruff In answer to yours of the 21st I do accept the mission assigned me to the Southern States and If nothing comes in my way to prevent I will be redy to start on the 31stof Dec And as I have been in the employ of the Union Pacific for a long time I think that the company will Pass me eather to Co Bluffs or Kansas City. And If the Ballance of the Compny Dont go Via the Union Pacific I should like to know the time they are expected to reach Eather of these Points so that I could meet them their Your Brother in the Gospel D H Doxey Robert McQuarrie Bishop 2nd Ward Ogden
Letter from Joseph H. James, 27 November 1892
First Presidency of church of J C of Lds Salt Lake City Dear Brothers I wrote you one upon this same subject but take the liberty of wrting you again as I am entirely broken up with this R.R Scheme and I see no chance of pay save by your influence From what I have heard one place and an other I take it for granted the thing has been smoothed over to you I desire to tell you there is not one smooth place on the whole concern and I am able to proove what I say All we have received up to date is dozens of untruths and a good deal of palaver I have borrowed money to pay my men and bought supplies to the ammount interst and all of about 4000.00 us money two thirds of whitch I am paying, or promiceing


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Nov 27, 1892