Day in the Life

Dec 1, 1892

Journal Entry

December 01, 1892 ~ Thursday

Dec 1. Snowing most of the day I met with the Twelve and
had Prayers Met with Brethren

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Letter from Brigham Morris Young, 1 December 1892

Lion House City Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro: I earnestly desire to again become a resident of the City of my birth. Have made applications in defferent directions for work but thus far have failed in securing anything that would warrant me in moving here from Logan where I was formerly enga- ged in business. I spoke to Prest Cannon about a position in the Temple, here, when completed and he recommended that I file an application in writing addressed to you. Am perfectly willing to begin on the lowest round of the ladder and work up as I may merit advancement. no position within your gift will be too humble for me as I am prepared to make any reasonable sacrifice in order to get back to my old home Your Bro, in the Gospel B. Morris Young

Letter from Evan Stephens, 1 December 1892

Salt Lake to the presidency Brethren, I write you these few lines in haste. Mr Gilispie (secretary of the choral society) will call on you this morning 11 a.m. in the interest of the choral society, to ascertain if they can render their oratorio "the Light of Asia" in the large Tabernacle. The circumstances are as follows. In the past the society have had the use of the building in consideration of their artistic aims musically. The chorus also being too large to appear elsewhere and being made up of the most respectable music lovers of both "Mormon" and "Gentile" a kindly feeling has been maintained so far. Last spring there was somewhat of a falling away owing to various circumstances not the least of which was the inability of Tabernacle Choir members

Letter from Niels Mattson, 1 December 1892

Pres Wilford Woodruff Dear Bro Your letter of Nov 28th calling me on a Mission to Scandinavia came to hand and I have to say in reply that with the help of the Lord I will end eaver to fill this mission and be on hand to start from Salt Lake ^city^ on the 25th of Feb 1893 Your Brother in the Gospel Niels Mattson J. A. Hunt Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from Samuel P. Draney, 1 December 1892

Accepts Mission Plain City. Dec 1st 1892 President Wilford. Woodruff Dear Brother. Your letter came to hand on the 29th Inst. Informing me of being called on a mission to Great Britain and asking my feelings in regards to the call. All I have to say I am In the hands of the Lord. And wherever his servants calls me, I will labor to the best of my ability. I will make my arangements according to appointment, and will be

Mission - Missionary Certificate for Nephi Lowell Morris, 1 December 1892

in behalf of said Church. Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith First Presidency.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Sundries $25, to Henry $40 65


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Dec 1, 1892