Day in the Life

Dec 5, 1892

Journal Entry

December 05, 1892 ~ Monday

5 A Hard snow storm this Morning A Badlam called
at the office this Morning had an interview with
G. Q. Cannon about the Bulion Beck Mine


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2292 mentions


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Letter from Nancy Lucinda Woodruff, 5 December 1892

Dear Uncle, Wilford Woodruff. Undoubt- edly you will be surprised to receive a letter from me after my long silence. I am not real sure that I ans- wered your letter written after my father's death. Closely upon my papa's death my strength gave way from the severe strain and for a long time I was miserable to think of writing to any one. I dropped my social correspondense, and have never reopened all of it. Recently I heard through a friend of mine that another friend of mine in Nevada City Cal.

Letter from David Roberts Morgan, 5 December 1892

Liberty Bear Lake Co. Idaho. Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. Your call for me to take a mission to Samoa is at hand. Will be prepared to leave at the required time. Your Bro. in the Gospel. David R. Morgan I fully endorse Bro Morgan Yours in the Covenant E. N. Austin Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Lyman Royal Martineau, 5 December 1892

Logan, Utah, . President Wilford Woodruff, and Counselors. Salt Lake City. Dear Brethren: I respectfully write you, thinking it better than to personally visit you, to ask your kind consideration for one of our oldest & most worthy Bishop's—I re- fer to Bp. Thomas X. Smith of Logan 4th Wd. I do this from my personal acquaintance with his affairs for several years & not ast his instigation. Bp Smith presides over his large ward faithfully & has done for 30 years; & has struggled against many obstacles to rear & educate a large family. Being one of the hardest working men in our stake he has, until recent years, succeeded fairly well. But ever since the underground drove him from active life, his financial affairs have steadily grown unprofitable until he has had to sacrifice his farm, & place in jeopardy his

Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 5 December 1892

Prests, Woodruff Cannon Smith Dear Brethren, We are now approaching Queens ton after a pleasant passage of 9 days. The officiers state that, we have made slow progress in consequence of having American coal. I am inclined to think they tell the truth for one gentleman who saw a barge come along side at N. Y. reported it ^the coal^ mostly slack. The elders are all well and very glad to see land once more Bros Durrans and Newburgh are ^in^ first cabin. We have en- joyed the trip and very thank- ful to draw near our destination. I was in hopes a score of two elders would have come once in this vessel. We need help badly of course I do not want to ^be^ importu- nate but our ranks are sandly thined many can't endure the climate, others are distressed at home and must return. Breth- ren I have released those only whom I thought ought to be released. I am recovering from a severe cold on my lungs and now feeling fine. I hope and pray you


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Dec 5, 1892