Day in the Life

Dec 6, 1892

Journal Entry

December 06, 1892 ~ Tuesday

6. I delivered to my family 10 copies of the contributor
containing my Birth place & my Grand Parents &
neighoring Dwelling which also contained a letter
from me & from Junius F Wells we had a hard
snow storm to day


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Wells, Junius Free
1 Jun 1854 - 15 Apr 1930


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Letter from Andrew Nathan Holdaway, 6 December 1892
President Woodruff, Dear Brother After Being called to fill a Mission to the United States, to have left left home on the 15th of Oct, I excepted the call. asking two months more to prepare in, which was granted. Will say, I will be prepared to start on the 15th inst if necessary, or any date between 15th & 20th if you are not particular to date being set. Please give me instructions.
Letter from Horton David Haight, 6 December 1892
Prest. Wilford Woodruff & Council. Dear Breathren, Some time ago, Bishop Enoch R. Dayley of the Spring Basin Ward, died very suddenly, leaving that ward without any one to preside. And thought it would be well to inform you of the fact, and you could advise us what to do in the matter, and have one of the Twelve if you thought it necessary, to come and fill up up the vacency. Ever praying for the success of Zion We remain your brethern in the Gospel, Horton D Haight


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Dec 6, 1892