Day in the Life

Dec 10, 1892

Journal Entry

December 10, 1892 ~ Saturday

10 I spent the day at home reading & copying from
my Journals Emma is suffering a good Deal from
a cold on her Lungs


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Woodruff, Emma Smith
1 Mar 1838 - 6 Mar 1912
1039 mentions

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Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 10 December 1892
Provo, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, In conformity with the approved program, I left for the first circuit of the present schoolyear for Price station on the D. R. G. Ry, Oct. 17, where I was received by a convey- ance from Huntington and taken to the latter place the same afternoon. Pres. Larsen, of Emery Stake, having made the necessary appointments for my labors in his stake, I had to leave for Castle Dale early the next morning, in order to be there at the opening exercises at the Academy. The Principal, Bro. Alexander Jameson, is an ernest worker although in some branches somewhat below the average qualifications, but diligently endeavoring to make up his deficiencies. Unfortunately the payment of his salary is very irregular on account of the financial condition of the Academy, and he is obliged to run a little store besides for the support of his family. This is in- jurious to the influence of the Academy, and at the end of the present acad. year other arrangements in this regard must be made. In a conjoined meeting of the Religionclass Instructors, Sunday School, and M. I. Association Officers, I took occasion to refer
Letter from Brigham Young Jr., 10 December 1892
[sideways text] P.S. My son Albert and Wilby join in love. [end of sideways text] Prests Wilford Woodruff George Q. Cannon Jos F. Smith; Dear Brethren: I have just received Bro. Reynolds letter directing the release of Bro. S. B. Young. In I will attend to it immediately tho' the Guion line sends out no more steamers for the present. We can make special ar- rangements through Mr. Ramsden for the returning missionaries. Guion Boats are in- deffinitily laid up. Cunards have discontinued their boats. Until the 12 of March ^the Inman Co have discontinued their boats^ where they sail on that date from Southampton. We are now rejoicing over the landing of the S. S. Wyoming passengers, they were our people from Swiss & German Miss. who were prevented sailing last Aug. through cholera.


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Dec 10, 1892