Day in the Life

Dec 12, 1892

Journal Entry

December 12, 1892 ~ Monday

12. I met with several Men at the office Loren & [blank]Farr
the Latter direct from Mexico Message from G Teasdale
The Brigham Young Board of Education met at the
office to transact business I had an interview with Elder
Jaques about writing a peace for the Christmass Noomber
of the news


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Teasdale, George
8 Dec 1831 - 9 Jun 1907
727 mentions
Apostle, Missionary
Jaques, John
7 Jan 1827 - 1 Jun 1900
Farr, Lorin
25 Jul 1820 - 12 Jan 1909


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Letter from Don Carlos Rushton, 12 December 1892

President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In Reply to your Letter of the 9th inst Were in you Desired me to Express my feelings In Regard to the Call made of me to fill a mission in the Southern States I freely Except of the Call And if the Lord So Wills I Will be Prepared on the Date Given your Brother in the Gospel Don C Rushton S. M. T. Seddon. Bp of 5th Ward. All right J. F. S.

Letter from James B. Staker, 12 December 1892

Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother: At this late date I beg to apologise for not answering your last letter, relative to my starting on a mission to the Southern States, during this month. Before my name was sent in I counselled with the presidents of the quorum to which I belonged, & they were fully acquainted with my financial condition. Now, while I do not wish to shrink my duty, yet I must say to you frankly, that I

Letter from John Grant Robertson, 12 December 1892

Spanish Fork Pres. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Yours of the 9th at hand, cContents noted. cCan say in reply that I will do my best to get ready at the required time to go forth and promulgate the everlasting Gospel in my weak and humble way. Your brother in the Gospel, J G Robertson Henry Gardner Bp All right. J. F. S.

Letter from George Goddard, 12 December 1892

Salt Lake City Decr 12 1892 Prest W. Woodruff & Council / Brethren / By per mission I will lay before you a few thoughts, suggested by observation. In offering up, the opening and closing prayer before public congregations, in the blessing of the bread and water over the sacrament Table &c, I have noticed a great variety of habit by the Elders on such occasions, some hold up the right hand only, others the left hand only, some keep both hands down while others hold both hands uplifted. This lack of uniformity presented before public audiences, Sunday after Sunday, (while there is no principle or doctrine of the Gospel involved) yet so unseemly a variety I must say, conflicts somewhat with my feelings and

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

William & Eliza T. D. Griffith Paid for Divorce 10 William H And Hannah B Pidcock Paid for Divorce Dec 12 [18]92 Ogden 10 1150


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Dec 12, 1892