Day in the Life

Dec 30, 1892

Journal Entry

December 30, 1892 ~ Friday

30 & 31. I met with several Brethren & wrote 3 Letters

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Letter to Henry Lewis Woodruff, 30 December 1892

Henry Lewis Woodruff, Macon, Ga. My dear sir: I herewith enclose you a list of names of the Wood- ruff family which I have collected at various periods of my life, thinking that, perhaps, they might come in useful some time in do- ing what you have, so far, so well succeeded in accomplishing. I send you the names thinking they may interest you at least if not assist you. Wishing you the compliments of the season, and com- plete success in your genealogical undertaking, I remain Yours truly, Wilford Woodruff

Letter from Hyrum Joseph Smith, 30 December 1892

SALT LAKE CITY, President Wilford W. Woodruff and Council Dear Brethren I received on the 29th inst. a circular from you asking me to be prepared to start away from this City April 15th 1893 on a Mission to Grt. Britan & for me to write you how I felt in regards to it. Brethren I accept it in humility and that the Lord being my helper I will be ready to start on that date I will say in conclusion that I deem it the greatest honor, that could be bestowed upon me, to be called to preach the everlasting Gospel & more so to be able to preach it in the Country that I was born in. Hoping the above will

Letter to Brigham Young Jr. from Wilford Woodruff, George Q. Cannon, and Joseph F. Smith, 30 December 1892

Salt Lake City, Utah. . PRESIDENT BRIGHAM YOUNG, Liverpool. Dear Brother: Your favor from Queenstown and those of 10th. and 13th. insts. since you reached Liverpool have been duly received; we have also had the gratification of a visit from Sister Lizzie and your daughter, who appeare to be exceedingly happy in once more being at home with the Saints at head quarters. We had great satisfaction in sending you a cablegram announc- ing that all the indictments hanging over you in the third District Court had been dismissed by Judge Zane, on motion of Preosecuting Attorney Varien and we now take pleasure in informing you that we have decided on your re- lease to return home in time to be present at the dedication of the Temple in this city next April. We have not yet decided who shall be your suc- cessor in the Presidency of the European Mission, but at present incline to the idea of having some one of the Elders now laboring under your presi- dency appointed to take temporary charge between the time you leave Liver- pool and the arrival of your successor, who in all probability will start from here immediately after the conclusion of the services incident to the Annual Conference and the Temple dedication. We would like you to inform us if there are any brethren whom you deem suitable to assume this tempor- ary charge of the mission, and we will advise you of our action. With constant prayers for your welfare, and for all Israel, We remain, Your brethren, W Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Jos. F. Smith

Letter from William Paxman, 30 December 1892

Nephi City, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff; Salt Lake City. Beloved Brother, Your letter of the 6th inst. Appointing me as the "special committie," for this stake, to wait upon the brethren of the special list for the finishing of the Salt Lake City Temple, came duly to hand, And the same day I am com- menced my labors, spending an evening with each of the brethren, fully explaining the mission that was upon them, and the impor- tance of the same; Bro John Hague, stated that he was greatly embarased at this time, but promised to do the best he could. I told him to be sure and fill that call, or mission, as it would be the crowining crowning act of his life, etc. Alma Hague, felt that the call was to much, and did


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Dec 30, 1892