Day in the Life

Jan 3, 1893

Journal Entry

January 03, 1893 ~ Tuesday

3 I met in the morning with the beach company
I accompanied Prest G Q Cannon to the Temple & spent
3 Hours with the contracters of the different parts of the
Temple Each one was required to tell how long it would
take them to finish their part. They represented
they could get their parts done in time for the dedication
a Brother Jenson called to state the Bad feelings at
Mannassa they are sueing Each other


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2272 mentions


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Letter from James Hooper, 3 January 1893

to the presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Dear brethren at the request of my father I present the acom panying paragraphs whitch was writin by my father he desires you to examin them and give answer to him as to the corect or incorect principle whitch they contain Please direct answer to James Hooper Lost River, Alturs Co. Idaho

Letter from Albert Stephen Farnsworth, 3 January 1893

Frisco Pres. W Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother: Your favor of Dec. 28th was was received contents thoroughly noted. In regard to my mission, I will proudly axcept it, feel it my duty as an Elder, to discharge any call that may be required of me pertaining to the Gospel I fully realize it a great task for a young man to leave his family, to go among strangers of different sect. I have had no experience at all in public speaking but willingly will go and fulfill the mission which has been asighned me at the best of my ability. Your Brother in the Gospel, A S Farnsworth

Letter from August Larson, 3 January 1893

Richmond Utah . Wm L. Skidmore Bp. Excuse him. J. F. S.

Letter from Charles Albert Callis, 3 January 1893

Coalville. Pres. Wilford. Woodruff Dear Brother: Your letter of Dec. 28th informing me that my name has been suggested and accept- ed as a Missionary to Great Britain, and desiring to know my feelings in relation to the call was received. I fully appreciate the responsibility which rests upon an Elder called as a Missionary by the servants of God, and I have given the matter much consid- eration and study, and have considered my cir- cumstances financial and otherwise, and the result of my deliberations is that it is my duty to accept the call. I therefore, accept the call, and will have my arrangements completed, to start from Salt Lake City for Great Britain on the date named in your letter April. 12th 1893. Your Brother in the Gospel Chas. Callis I take pleasure in recommending Bro Callis, as being worthy of any position You may call him to. Your Bro. George Beard Bp C[oalville]. S[outh]. W[ard]. See over.

Letter from Godfrey Fuhriman, 3 January 1893

Providence . President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Bro, Your letter of Dec 31st I received yesterday, in regard to me going on a mission to Turkey. In 1884 I was called to fulfill a mission in the Swiss & German mission, and I returned Home Sept 1886. I must say that Financialy I am not very well situated to fulfill a mission, as I have obligated myself to buy me a Farm, and have not been able to pay much towards it. and for the first 4four years have some heavy payments to make, on the remaining I have 22 years time all


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Jan 3, 1893