Day in the Life

Jan 17, 1893

Journal Entry

January 17, 1893 ~ Tuesday

Jan 17, 1893
I Called upon Carloss Young the Architeck about the
Temple he has not been to the Temple much lately
I spent the day in the office Attended to the business


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Young, Joseph Don Carlos
6 May 1855 - 19 Oct 1938
52 mentions


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Letter from Jonathan Golden Kimball, 17 January 1893

Chattanooga, Tenn., ^Logan City, Utah^ Pres. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother: I would appreciate it very much, if you could, under existing circumstances, render me some assistance. Your Bro. &c. J. G. Kimball

Letter from Diantha Elizabeth Mortensen Smith, 17 January 1893

President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah. Dear Brother: A matter of business here involves my own interests and those of my family to a very great extent, but which my circumstances will not permit me to attend to personally, and as I have nofew acquantances in Northern Utah, I therefore beg to engage your attention to this matter to the extent of entrusting it to some trustworthy person. The business referred to is this: During the lifetime of Brother Lot Smith, my husband, he settled upon three separate pieces of property near Tuba City. One at Moen Kopi, one at the resoirvoirs where I am now living and one in the canyon, about a mile

Letter from Henry Lewis, 17 January 1893

Lehi Presedent Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother In regard to the mission to Great Britain for Feb 25th 93 all being well with the help of the Lord I shall be ready at that time from your Brother in the Gospel, Henry Lewis I Cheerfully endorse the above Thomas R. Cutler Bishop All right. J. F. S.

Letter from William Mathews Sr., 17 January 1893

Panaca Lincoln Co. Nev. . President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro Your letter of notification came to hand to day. And in reply will say. That my circumstances are such that I cannot well go at the time required, owing to the extreme dullness in this Section during the present winter. I have failed to obtain employment or market for products and consequently I am unable to meet cash obligations that are pressing upon me. And in fact my physical condition is not what it should be at present to undertake the missionary labor as recent Illness has impaired my health somewhat trusting you may be able to ^find^ ready material for this labor of so much importance; and praying for the weflfare of Zion I remain your Bro in the Covt William Mathews See over Milton L. Lee. Bp

Letter from Otto Johnson, 17 January 1893

Grantsville . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother, Your letter of the 10th inst. is at hand and contents noted. It was quite a surprise to me to be called to go on a mission, as I feel that I am not very well qualified for such a labor. but as I have no reasonable excuse to offer for not going, I will by the help of the Lord ^to^ go and do the best I can, and will try and be ready to start by the time warned in your letter Apr. 15th. Yours very Respectfully Otto Johnson


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Jan 17, 1893