Day in the Life

Jan 22, 1893

Journal Entry

January 22, 1893 ~ Sunday

22nd Sunday I spent this day at home reading

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Letter from Benjamin Franklin LeBaron, 22 January 1893

Mesa, Arizona, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother: Your favor of 13th inst. notifying me of my missionary call received. In reply will say that I am on hand to perform, in my humble way, any labor that is put upon me by the Priesthood, and if no reasonable obsticle presents itsself I will meet you at the time and place named in your letter, to be set apart. Your Brother in the Gospel, Ben. F. LeBaron. Wm Passey Bp all right. J. F. S.

Letter from Frank Carlton Johnson, 22 January 1893

Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dr Bro In answer to my appointment as a Missionary to the Southern States Would say that I am very thank- full that the privelige has been granted to me of Bearing the everlasting Gospel to the nations of the Earth and I trust that I may prove worthy of so great a calling So with the help of the Lord I shall use every effort to fulfill the Appointment Your Bro In the Gospel Frank. C. Johnson B Farland Johnson Councler O.K J. F. S.

Letter from John H. Hammond, 22 January 1893

Mancos. Prest. Woodruff, Salt Lake City Dear Brother I received an appointment from you written Dec. 28th stating that you would be pleased to have me start on a mission to Great Britain as early as the 12th of April 1893. I feel very much honored to be counted worthy of so great a calling, and would have been pleased if I could have seen any chance to have raised money enough to have taken me to that field of Labor at that time, but as I can not see any show to dispose of any thing that I have for money. I suppose I shall half to wait untill I can earn enough to take me there. I will try to be ready to start next October. with the blessings of the Lord Your Brother in the Gospel

Letter from Jacob Moroni Secrist, 22 January 1893

Pres W. Woodruff & Counsel Some 8 years ago last spring our ward was called upon to send a missionary to strengthen the St Johns settlement We Sent Joseph Christensen who we are informed used much energy and zeal in his labors there His mind gave out this winter and we have just had him and family brought home In the derangement of his mind he thinks he is only home on a visit and must go back to complete his labors there. If you could write him an honorable release from the mission with appreciation for the same and some words of comfort and blessing we think


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Jan 22, 1893