Day in the Life

Jan 23, 1893

Journal Entry

January 23, 1893 ~ Monday

^ A hand pointing to the right A folded letter/box^ 23 I received Letters from David P W, Sarah, Genia Cody, Asahel 11 page
and 3 others total 7. I wrote toone Letter


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Woodruff, David Patten
4 Apr 1854 - 20 Jan 1937
228 mentions
Cody, Eugenia Amelia Scholes
21 May 1860 - 16 Sep 1955
60 mentions
Woodruff, Sarah Brown
1 Jan 1834 - 9 May 1909
707 mentions

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Letter from Neils Sandberg, 23 January 1893

St. George, Utah. Prest Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Sir Yours of the 28th informing me of my call to go to Scandinavia came duly to hand and in answer, say, that I am very desirous of following the call, but to do so I shall have to dispose of some of my property to raise means to carry me to my feild ^of labor^ which I am now endeavoring to do and if successful will be on hand in time Resp Your Bro Etc Niels Sandberg The above is correct Resp Thomas Judd Bp 1st Wd St. George

Letter from John T. Parrish, 21 January 1893

President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Bro. In reply to yours of the 7th Inst. as a missionary to Great Britain I will say that my circumstances are not the best but will be ready on the day mentioned The 29th of April. Your Brother in the Gospel John T. Parrish O.K. J. F. S. Aaron. B. Porter Bp pr Jno. J. Smith Couns

Letter from David Holmgren, 23 January 1893

Bear River City. . Box Elder Co. Utah. Prest. Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City, Dear Sir: One year ago the 15th. inst. I received a letter from Sec'y. Raynolds, requesting in behalf of First Presidency of the Church, that, if agreeable with my feelings and consistant with my sircumstances to take a mission to Europe. At the time it was next to impossiable for me to leave, but asked to have my time extended until the Spring of [18]93, during which time I would prepair myself. I am willing and prepaired to start immediately after the Spring

Letter from Hans Edvard Larsen, 23 January 1893

Prest., Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City Dear Brother, I have recived your letter of apointment to go on a mission to Scandinavia, which if I was able to would like very well, for I blive that I could do some good in that direction I have manny Friends and relations in the country were I was born nam^e^ly Norway, and if I could see them at least a few mightth recive the Gospel. But my cercomstanses is so that without the assistance of the ward it would be impossible for me to go at least for a year or two. In the first place we are 8 persons in the Famely and it takes me all the time to provide for them and then are in debt about $1.50 Dollars and have no way of getting out of it unless I give a morgage on my Farm, and in thiese hard times would be very hard to redeam without my assistence. My oldest son is only 15 years old, and could not hardly depend on him to


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Jan 23, 1893