Day in the Life

Feb 21, 1893

Journal Entry

February 21, 1893 ~ Tuesday

21 I Listened to the reading of two chapters including
all the Mountain meadow Massacree read by O F Whitney


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Whitney, Orson Kimball
20 Jan 1830 - 31 Jul 1884

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Letter from Abraham Owen Smoot Jr., 21 February 1893
Provo City, Utah, Pres. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Dear Brother; My father desires me to inform you of the condition of his health at present. He has been confined to his room for the last twelve days, the result, I think, of a cold he contracted while in Salt Lake two weeks ago today. He has been able to sit up more or less every day, but has suffered greatly through inaction of the stomack and frequent spells of faintness, which have caused him to grow gradyuly weaker and rendered it impossible for him to get refreshing sleep. Yesterday and today, however, he seems somewhat improved, having slept fairly well for the last two nights, and he has today eaten two very fair meals for him without experiencing any distress as a concequence. As per his request I will keep you posted from time to time as to his condition. With kindest regards, I remain Your Brother in the Gospel A. O. Smoot Jr.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
Cateamining kitchen $6 Oranges $3.25 9 25


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Feb 21, 1893