Day in the Life

Feb 22, 1893

Journal Entry

February 22, 1893 ~ Wednesday

22 A hand pointing to the right I wrote to G. Q Cannon Clawson & Trumbo invited
them to My Birth day Party


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Cannon, George Quayle
11 Jan 1827 - 12 Apr 1901
2285 mentions
Clawson, Rudger
12 Mar 1857 - 21 Jun 1943
57 mentions
Apostle, Missionary

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Letter from Ezra J. Howell, 22 February 1893
Fish Haven, . Bear Lake Co Idaho Pres. Wilford. Woodruff, Dear Brother I received a call as a missionary to the Northern States in Jan. 1891 which I excepted with all cincerity but during that winter I had a sevear attack of the Inflamation on the bowls as I reported to you and your instructions was that I was not expected to go at that date and to take ample of time to recuperate which I have done before reporting myself. During the past two years my health has not been as good as it was before my Illness but pleased to say I havent had no relaps but have to be carefull what I eat. I report my self as such and if my sirveses asre kneeded I will (in my weakness & inability in regard to ^the^ Gospel) be ready by April next to try and fill my Mission to the best of my ability Plase let me know if you deem it desirable and all necessary instructions, In time for me to make my arangements to have my Family taken care off and raise the necessary means for my- self like others have to work hard to previde for my ^our^ Familys. Desiring to make myself useful athes at home atand abroad in the Gospel of Crist I remain Your Brother in the Gospel Elder Ezra J Howell.
Letter from J. S. McAllister, 22 February 1893
Fullerton, Neb., Feb 22nd 18923. To the Head of the Mormon Church Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brothers in Truth I have Many times in the past few years thought of addressing you about the subject on Mormanism which is of such vital importance to the human race and the more I think of it the more seriously iI am impressed with the fact that the way in which the majority of the american people live and cohabit in the sight of God is one of the most horrible and wicked things on Earth years ago I was a member of the Prysbaterian Church and when one its members a Preacher boasted of its church being instrumental in breaking up the Mormans it stired up a simpathy for the Morman belief and a hatred for
Discourse 1893-02-22
On , Dr. James E. Talmage showed to Presi- dent Woodruff what was purported to be a seer stone, the property of a resident of this city who had possessed it since the early days of the church and who claimed to have been able to use it but had since lost the gift of seeing through it. The above incident brought forth remarks by President Woodruff in relation to the seer stone known as "Gazelem," which was shown of the Lord to the Prophet Joseph to be some thirty feet under ground, and which he obtained by digging under the pretence of excavating for a wlell, as related in the ^his own^ history of the Prophet Joseph Smith. This remarkable stone was used by the Prophet. After his death it came into the possession of President Brigham Young, and through his brother Phineas, ahnd afterwards it passed into the po- ssession of President John Taylor through Elder Brigham Young, and since the death of President Taylor, into the possession of Presi- dent Woodruff. Our late President, upon this occassion, also re- ferred to a seacred relic then in his possession, in the shape of an Indian arrow head, of flint, also referred to in the history of the Prophet Joseph as having been the cause of the death of the White Lamanite, Zelph, which relic came into the possession of President Woodruff through Sister Zina Young Card. The President talked freely with Bro. Talmage on this subject, and on the sug- gestion of Bro. George F. Gibbs, he dictated the following in regard to it by way of a fuller account to that which has is al- ready recorded in relation to it: "While traveling with Zion's camp, through the State of Ohio, we came to a very high mound, to the top of which we climbed by means of steps over which the grass had grown. The steps were very wide, probably about twelve feet. We found the top of the mound to be quite level and to cover a great deal of ground. After overlooking the surrounding country, and descending half way down we were halted by command of the Prophet Joseph. We had taken a shovel with us to the top of the miund, thinking we might have some use for it, and after halting, the Prophet, speaking to the man who had the shovel, told him to throw up the dirt at a certain place to which he pointed. After removing a little more than six inches of soil the skeleton of a man was discovered, from ia joint in whose backbone the Prophet drew a flint arrow head which had been the means of taking his life. The Lord showed the Prophet Joseph that this was the skeleton of a white Lamanite named Zelph, and that he fought under a great chieftain named Onandagus, whose dominion covered an immense body of country. The book of Mormon does not mention the name of this Indian Chief, Onandagus."


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Feb 22, 1893