Day in the Life

Feb 23, 1893

Journal Entry

February 23, 1893 ~ Thursday

23 I met with the Twelve Distributed invitations tickets
we went into the Temple & all through it there is still
a great Deal of work to be done there before the finish


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Letter from William Henry John Hart, 23 February 1893

To the Presiding Elder Mormon Church &etc Dear Rev Sir We mail to you to day a Kodak view of the mormon temple at Beaver Island and wish you would kindly send us a "photo" of your temple &etc at Salt Lake City We can use it to a great advantage in our advertising &etc. This temple at Beaver Island was the first of its kind in this country & is a great attraction to tourists hence thought you would be interested Hoping to receive an early reply & also a likeness of your temple. I am truly yours H. W. Hart [E]. Mgr. Short Line

Letter from Charles Roscoe Savage, 23 February 1893

Salt Lake City, President Woodruff Dear Brother – I enclose some letters, one especially addressed to me concerning a matter that I have no interest in especially and no authority to use in any way whatever – I therefore submit the same for your consideration and will answer as you advise. As far as any feelings go I think there is yet plenty of room for good latter day saints nearer home – Respectfully submitted by your brother C. R. Savage

Letter from William Budge, 23 February 1893

President W. Woodruff Dear Bro. I returned home last night from a successful visit to Boise in the interest of our people. As you are aware the "Anti test oath" bill passed both houses with a general good feeling, the bill had been inadvertantly delayed in the house so it was not signed by the Governor when I left, but it will be, perhaps has been by this time. A man named Barrett called our Representative who was sent to the Legislature by those few people who voted at the last election introduced a Bill having in view the removal of our County Seat to Montpelier, and before we could get to Boise it passed the house. Bros S. J. Rich, Joseph R Shepherd and myself lost no time in heading it off, and we got it killed in the Senate by 15 to 2, day before yesterday. A good feeling

Letter from Christian Nielsen Lund, 23 February 1893

Mount Pleasant. President W. Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother: I take the liberty to forward to you the inclosed petition. Will you kindly have it presented to the Genrl Board of Education in the near future. Awaiting your favorable action upon it in our behalf I am respectfully Your Brother in the Gospel C. N. Lund Bp.

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

girl $4 E 5, oranges $3.50 12 50


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Feb 23, 1893