Day in the Life

Mar 7, 1893

Journal Entry

March 07, 1893 ~ Tuesday

7. Keys crossed I was taken with sever cold on the Lungs and spent
the day in the House sick

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Letter from Andreas Michelsen, 7 March 1893

Monroe . President. Wilford Wodruff, Dear Brother, I am in receipt of your favor of 25thlast month haereby i learn that i am selected to go to Skandinavia on a Mition. Efter due concideration and consultation with my Bishop i feel it my duty although with re- gret to state that circomstanses appearently do not alow me to go at pressent. And therefore beg to submit the following explenation. At my ricovery efter a very seveer secknes of five Months duration which overcome me shortle efter areving to Utah, I togeher with my Wife become first identified with the Church in April, 1883. Not being a man of mians and consederably redused in Phycical strengt and somwhat envolved during my illnes i have not prospered very fast. Have at present no special indebtednes but have not any Money nor Property hoereby to obtain funds needed to bring me to the feeld of Labor assined to me. And no reasonable pro- spect for suport for my Family in my absense. My Posestions consist chifly of about twelve (12) acres Land. ^also one City Lot.^ Vork Team and Cows for domestic use only. Have five Children from 2 to 12 years, Respectively. my only Son ar 10 year old. And worst of all my House are not a safe dwelling in being supor- ted by Props. woud otherwise fall. Notwithstanding that i am willing and decire to fill that Mition but tacking above facts in to concideration i can not consistantly say that i would feell very satisfied in leaving my Family in present condition. But if it would meet the aproval of my Bredren to let me remain at home for say about thre years, and if the Lord will continue to Bless my effords i hope i shall be ready and able to go, having

Letter from George Burnham Freeze, 7 March 1893

President Wilford Woodruff, Dear Brother: I accept of the appointment of a mission to Samoa, and will endeavor to be ready at the appointed time. I feel thankful that I have been considered worthy to preach the Gospel, and hope that I may prove faithful to the mission given me. Respt. Geo. B. Freeze. R Morris Bp 11th Ward Good. J. F. S.

Letter from Joseph Christiansen, 7 March 1893

Kjøbenhavn, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah, Dear Brother: I herewith enclose a list of names of persons recommended as being quali- fied and capable of filling missions in Scan- dinavia, and if you deem it proper we would be pleased to have them called and sent to these countries to assist in the work of the Lord. I sent a similar list to Prest. Young at Liver- pool on the 9th Jan., but for some cause it can not now be found there, and, having been mislaid, it has not been forwarded to you. It is therefore by the suggestion of Prest. Young, or the brother at Liverpool having charge of the mission, that I send this list direct to you. It is now very late, but these Elders were intended to have been among the Spring supply of missionaries. You have no doubt by this time been informed of the number needed for Scandinavia—30, (12 Swedes, 8 Norwegians and 10 Danes.) By request of Prest. Young, I also send you a list of notes due this office from parties most- ly residing in Utah. These amounts have been loaned to the respective parties on their promise of paying same as specified in the notes; some

Letter from Karl Gottfried Maeser, 7 March 1893

Provo City, President Wilford Woodruff. Dear Brother, Herewith I submit respectfully the report of my labors in the Second Circuit, the program of which had been previously ap- proved of by you. The Brigham Young Academy, Provo. After having officially notified the Board of Trustees of this institution of my intended visit to the Academy, I spent two days, Jan. 10 & 11, in attending the various exercises of the institution, and met with the faculty at the regular meeting, Wednesday, Jan. 11, at 7 P.M. This Academy surpasses all other church schools not only in the number of its students (over 900 registered up to date) and of its regular teachers (23), but also in the complexity of its organiza- tion and in the amount of labor performed there, in consequence of all of which the influence of that Academy is recognized throughout all the Stakes of Zion. Besides the regular de- partments graded according to Gen. Circ. No. 7, pp. 19 to 21, there are following special organizations: 1. A kindergarten Class with about 30 little ones under 6 years of age, with a Normal training Class for young ladies to prepare themselves for that particular feature of education. 2. A polytechnic Class for training in practical workmanship. There are over 40

Letter from Christian Grejs Larsen, 7 March 1893

Castle Dale, Emery Co., U. T., . Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: 240 person from Emery Stake expect to attend the dedication of the Temple in Salt Lake City. Your Brother in the Gospel, C. G. Larsen

Letter from C. D. White, 7 March 1893

Beaver Pres. Woodruff S. L. City Dear Bro, There is about One hundred and thirty members of this Stake who expect to attend the dedication of the Salt Lake Temple in April Your Bro, C. D. White

Letter from George Teasdale, 7 March 1893

President Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brother: In answer to your favor of the 24th ult, we expect some (30) thirty persons will attend the dedication services of the Salt Lake Temple, at the April Conference. They will be in charge of President Henry Eyring, who has been appointed to take charge of this company and who will attend to everything necessary They expect to leave here on the 27th to be in Deming on the 31st and in Salt Lake City the 4th or 5th April. With kind love Your brother, George Teasdale.


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Mar 7, 1893