Day in the Life

Apr 19, 1893

Journal Entry

April 19, 1893 ~ Wednesday

19. ^ An arrow^ I attended the Meeting ^all spoke as usual^ of the Presidents of 70 in the
[blank] 118 prsent All spoke & the Meeting held 5 Hours W. W
was taken sick with the Billious Cholic & went home
vary sick Keys crossed which Lasted me one Month & 14 days
before I went to my Desk in the office
I Attended the dedication of the 18 of April the Temple the Last time
I attended the Dedication of the Temple Abram H Cannon offred
the Prayer W Woodruff spok & dire[c]ted the services all
the Presidency spoke I attend[ed] the first 25 Meeting of the Dedication of the Temple
I had one of the Hardest spells of sickness of my life
An arrow On Snday the 7 of May, my family with the Aposiles were
gathered around me to see me breath my Last. Dr
Richards & Cox said I could not live more than 2 Hour
but at that time there was a change for the Better I began
to revive but I continued to improve slowly I suffered
with my kidney Trouble vary severly. I went to the Temple
on the 26 of May & spent a few hours. I went to the office
On the 19 May I went to the Temple & with my councillors
I set apart Lorenzo Snow to preside over the Temple


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Cannon, Abraham Hoagland
12 Mar 1859 - 19 Jul 1896
149 mentions
Richards, Joseph Smith
4 Oct 1848 - 30 Oct 1913
Snow, Lorenzo
3 Apr 1814 - 10 Oct 1901
703 mentions
Apostle, Family


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Letter from George H. Booth, 19 April 1893
To The First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day saints Beloved Bretheren I have once before applied to you to help me to get to Mesa Arizona. Since then I have tried to find some employment for myself but have not been suc- cessful. I now again appeal to your goodness & generosity to provide me with the means to go to Mesa right away with some bretheren who will be returning to Mesa on the 26th instant. From the encourage- ment received from these kind bretheren, who wish to have me back in Mesa, Arizona,
Letter from James H. Lee, 19 April 1893
Salt Lake City President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother Your letter of April 14th 1893 came to hand stating I had been selected for a mission to the Eastren States Now I am wiling to go at any time. But I have no means on hand And have a family of six that depends on my labor for their support And just as soon as I stop work their is nothing coming in I have one boy that has commenced work for Three 50/100 dollars per week and that would be all they would have to live on while I would be away. And if I work until May 15th 1893 I would just have money enough to pay for my fair to New York And leave my family with Five dollars to live on. Now if you can fix it in any way so my family can be taken care of while I am away I am on hand and wiling to labor for the gospel sake. But as I have no income and depende intirley on my labor I could not pay my own way and support my family Your Brother in the Gospel James H Lee 567 South 2nd West City I think I would say to bro. Lee, to take what time he needs to prepare himself for a mission. if it takes one or two years—and when he feels ready, he can report him self so. J. F. S.
Letter from John Thomson, 19 April 1893
S L City Mr Wodruff Dear Brother I sent a request to you a week before Conference but i have received no answer, that is i wanted to go to England on a Mission for 2 3 or 4 years, for the purpose to get the account of the death of some good people that are dead and who have not herd of the gospel my next desire is to preach the gospel for so that i might be babtised for them my next desire is pto preach the truth for 3 or 4 years. I haven been the Church over 40 years, in Utah 30 years i am now staying at 821 west 3rd south st. i spoke to Bishop Watson and he said he had no athurity to call a man a mission


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Apr 19, 1893