Day in the Life

Jun 1, 1893

Journal Entry

June 01, 1893 ~ Thursday

June 1. I went to the office, Met with quite a number
of the Brethren upon various subjects I staid at the
office untill 2 oclock then I went to the Temple
& met with the Presidency & Twelve A hand pointing to the right we discussed
the question of continuing the Saltair RR. to Loss Angels
On Sunday ^April 30th^ the 7 of May when I lay at the point of Death
and was breathing my Last No one thought I would
Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me
and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the
Lord saved my life for a little Longer


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On Sunday the 7 of May ^April 30^ when I lay at the point of Death and was breathing my Last No one thought I would Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the Lord saved my life for a little Longer
~ Wilford Woodruff

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RECEIVED at SALT LAKE, UTAH. 604h Dated Chattanooga Tenn [June 1 1893] To Prest W. Woodruff Nothing has been reported think it is press despatch only Geo A Smith

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President Willford Woodruff Dear Brother I recd your letter dies- ireing to know if I could be ready by the first of August to start on a mission to New Zeland. My reply is that I can be ready by that time, as far as I know at present. My first desire is to comply with every wish made of me by the Holy Priesthood. I trust that by the aid and influence of the Spirit of God that I will be able to do much good. May the choicest blessings of heaven rest upon you. I remain your servant in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. A. J. Ridges 364 West 4 N Salt Lake City U T

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Letter to Francis Asbury Hammond and James B. Decker, 1 June 1893

President F. A. Hammond, and Sunday School Supt. James B. Decker, San Juan Stake of Zion: DEAR BRETHREN: During the last few years the advance made in the principles of secular education has seemed to demand like progress in the methods employed in our Sunday Schools in impart- ing that most important part of all true education—indeed, its foundation and finish—a knowledge of God and His laws. We found, however, that owing to the varied conditions by which the Sunday Schools of the Saints were surrounded and influenced, it was the wiser policy to "make haste slowly," and not to attempt to bring about too radical changes as a beginning. One step, nevertheless, seemed imperative if the schools were to progress, and that was the introduction of greater uniformity in the manner in which they were to be conducted. To effect this, an experimental normal course, with classes of five weeks' duration, was established in connection with the Brigham Young Academy of Provo. Four different classes of this course have successively met and through experience therein gained, a point has now been reached when it is deemed prudent to take the preliminary steps to extend this system to all the Stakes of Zion.


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Jun 1, 1893