Day in the Life

Jun 4, 1893

Journal Entry

June 04, 1893 ~ Sunday

4. Sunday I spent the day at home


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On Sunday the 7 of May ^April 30^ when I lay at the point of Death and was breathing my Last No one thought I would Live. Thousands of the Saints were Praying for me and there Prayers were heard & Answered and the Lord saved my life for a little Longer
~ Wilford Woodruff

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Letter from William Paxman, 4 June 1893
Nephi City, Utah, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, S. L. City; Beloved Brother, We have under consideration the organization of a Ward at Eureka; and to this end, have appointed next Sunday the 11th inst, The Lord willing, for this purpose, at which time myself and counselors will be at that place, and if it could be arranged for one of the Apostles to be with us on that occassion, we could feel blest indeed; I have wrote to Elder John Beck, stating that we thought, it would be best for the Branch, as also for himself, to resign his possition as president, seeing that he cannot give it the attention that it require, etc. Any instruction or suggestions that you may be led to give, will


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Jun 4, 1893