Day in the Life

Jul 17, 1893

Journal Entry

July 17, 1893 ~ Monday

17. I spent the day in camp Ovando Beebe cought 54 trout


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Beebe, Ovando Collins
14 May 1867 - 27 Dec 1928
194 mentions

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Letter from Joseph Clawson, 17 July 1893

Taylor, ^A. T.^ Pres. Wilford Woodruff; Dear Brother, Yours of the 27 ult. at hand. I will accept the call made of me to attend the Sunday School Normal Course, (at the B. Y. Academy, at Provo.) and will so arrange as to be there the August 21, 1893. Your Bro. in the Gospel Joseph Clawson

Letter from George Emmett Browning Sr., 17 July 1893

To the First Presidency of the Church, Salt Lake City, Utah. Dear Brethren: It affords me much pleasure to have the privilege of reporting to you at the present time, that, through the bless- ings of our heavenly Father, all the Elders and Sisters in this part of the Lord's vineyard are in the possession of good health, for which we are truly thankful. I did not recei- ve a letter from you this month hence do not know wheather the missionaries I sent for to come next month will arrive or not, however I shall meet the steamer upon its arrival so in case they do come then there will not be any trouble. The political troubles here on Samoa have at last come to a crisis: on saturday the 8th. inst. at about 4 P.M. the govern- ment supporters made an attack upon the rebels at a place about six miles from here, and they fought until dark, which resulted in four being killed on the goverment side and about twenty of the rebels, the government forces succeeded in cuting off fourteen of the rebels heads and taking them to the king, as the custom among the samoans when fighting is to cut off as many of the enemies heads as possible and take them to their king or leader, when daylight dawned sunday morning the rebel leader, Mataafa, with all his forces deserted their headquartes and fled to a small island, named Manono, situated two miles out from the west end of the island, which is thirty miles from here,

Letter from Wallace Aird Macdonald Sr., 17 July 1893

Mesa City President Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City Utah Dear Brother Your letter of July 8th came to hand some four days ago. that was my first notice I had recived that I was expected to attend the Normal Class at Provo. My feelings in regards to the calls from Priesthood & authority of our eternal Father it ^is^ to fullfil as near as I can every one that is placed upon me. I will try and be on hand at the appointed time, and I have a Desire to Honorably fullfil the mission that is placed upon me trusting I may have the Blessings of the Lord & the Prayers of the Saints. I am your Brother in the Gospel Wallace. A. Macdonald

Letter from Uriah Erastus Curtis, 17 July 1893

President Wilford Woodruff. Salt Lake City. Dear Brother: Your letter of the 27th ult isreceived and contents noted, and I am pleased to say I am willing to resspond to the call, and will do the best I can, and will be in Provo on the date named. Your Bro in the gospel U. E. Curtis.


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Jul 17, 1893