Day in the Life

Jul 18, 1893

Journal Entry

July 18, 1893 ~ Tuesday

18 We returned to Salt Lake City 18 miles


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Letter from Thomas Edwin Ricks, 18 July 1893

Rexburg, Idaho Prest. W Woodruff Salt Lake City Dear Brother, We have pleasure in stating that Parley P. Pratt, Wilford, grandson of Wm. Pratt, has been selected as the eigthhth missionary to go to B. Y. Academy Provo and has signified his willingness to fulfil the mission. Your Brother in the Gospel T. E. Ricks

Letter from William Paxman, 18 July 1893

Nephi City, Utah, Prest Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Beloved Brother, In answer to your favor of the 1st of June, in which you ask for 4 names to attend the B. Y. Academy, at Provo, to take a 20 weeks course as normal, in the interest of the S. School cause, I beg to state; that up to date, we have not been succ- essful in finding the four, that is suitable, and prepared for such a mission, but, take pleasure in submitting the following two names, for the first term; namely, William Andrews Jr, and Charlottie Boundtree, both of Nephi. Which we feel will make good efficient workers. And in the near

Letter from George Teasdale, 18 July 1893

Dear President Woodruff: Your favor of July 5 concerning marriage licenses, sealings &c safe to hand. I intend D. V. to acknowledge the receipt of every letter I receive, at once, as Bro. Silas S. Smith informs me that the letter of appointment from the Board of the M. C. & A. Co. to Bro. Macdonald was forwarded to him in May and to this place. But Bro. Mac never received it. It is not easy for a large letter like that to get lost. It is strange why such important letters go miss ing. I have written you twice before: one on June 16th and one July 11th I like to keep you post- ed how we are moving along in this Mexican Mission, as I know how you are interested in the work of our Heavenly Father. In the course of a few remarks I made, in early June, when everything was dry and water scarce, the Lord inspired me to promise the Saints they would have plenty of rain and these barren hills would be clothed with verdure. It did not seem very likely at that time, and the savants pre dicted a continuation of the dry weather. But the rain has come and it is still coming. We have had most delightful heavy rains. The river is up and cleaning itself out splendidly. The finest rains I have ever seen

Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898

Receivd from Saving Bank Div ^$1040^ 1040


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Jul 18, 1893