Day in the Life

Jul 21, 1893

Journal Entry

July 21, 1893 ~ Friday

21 Asahel came home this morning He joined me this
Morning at the office with me & F S Richard & Legrand
upon our water suit with Yeager, but the court


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Woodruff, Asahel Hart, b. 1863
3 Feb 1863 - 2 Jul 1939
708 mentions
Richards, Franklin Snyder
20 Jun 1849 - 7 Sep 1934
Young, Marcus LeGrand
27 Dec 1840 - 23 Jul 1921


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Letter from Edwin Dilworth Woolley Jr., 21 July 1893
Kanab, Prest. Wilford Woodruff, Salt Lake City, Ut Dear Brother: We herewith send you a list of names chosen to attend the B.Y. Academy at Provo in interest of the Sabbath Schools. Joseph E. Robinson of Kanab Ward. Kanab P.O. Dinalvin Roundy and Miss Rose Seegmiller of Ranch P.O. Graham Ward. John Harris of Glendale Ward Glendale P.O. and Matilda and Lora B. Jolley of Mt Carmel Ward & P.O. Your Bro E. W. Woolley
Letter from Joshua H. Cook, 21 July 1893
Thurber, . Mr. Wilford Woodruff. S. L. City. Dear Brother: I received your letter of July the 5th and will say I honor the call and will be there at the appointed time. Your brother in the gospel Joshua H. Cook William Meeks Bp Northern States—good. J F. S.
Business/Financial - Account Book, 1889-1898
from ZCMI services 56 25 [21] from Church on ^Dr^ Richards Bill $140 140


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Jul 21, 1893