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Day in the Life

Jul 22, 1893

Journal Entry

July 22, 1893 ~ Saturday

^22^ Adjourned one week untill the 29. I returned home

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Letter from Priscilla Paul Jennings, 22 July 1893
Salt Lake City, Utah, President Wilford Woodruff Wasatch, Salt Lake Co. Dear Brothers: I was waited upon yesterday by Mrs Geo. A. Sawe, who desired me to meet with a member of prominent lades in the Walker House, Parlors, last evening. I did not attend and was surprised to see my name published, with other sisters of our Church, in the Herald this morning. I was again visited upon, to day. by severel ladies of promi- nence who not only desired me to take part in arranging to hold a small meet- ing in the interest of Silver, but wished me to use my influence to obtain the use of the Tabernacle to hold their as- sembley in, some day next week. I feel to hesitate before engaging to ac- cept the position, offered, and would not ask you to consent for them to have the Tabern- acle unless you judgment approved of me acting and them having the building. I am your sister in gospel. P P Jennings


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Jul 22, 1893