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Day in the Life

Jul 30, 1893

Journal Entry

July 30, 1893 ~ Sunday

30 Sunday I spent the day at home reading

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Letter from Edwin Fullmer, 30 July 1893

Helper Prest. Wilford Woodruff Salt Lake City Utah Dear Bro. We the bishopric of the Spring Glen Ward are in a dilemma and earnestly ask your ade and advise one of our young men W. H. Thompson is called on a mission to the sandwich Islands, and he has not got money to take him We are all poor here Just comm- enceing to make new homes. The water is not out on the land yet but will be next year We the Bishopric want to borrow the Money from the Church and will be responceible for it We want $7500 seventy five dollars If We can not get the money by donation from the people can we take it out of the tithing

Letter from George Brinton Matson III, 30 July 1893

Mapleton July 30 [18]93 President Woodruff Dear brother, You wished to know my feelings in regard to fuilling a mission to the Northern States I would say it is some thing. I never desired in fact I always had a dread of being called being a common hard working man with a verry limited education I feel my inability to go into the enlightened world as a minister of the Gosple.

Letter from Edward Payson Woodward, 30 July 1893

Portland, Maine, . Dear Sir: I understand that your Church publishes some book which gives "corrections" of certain passages of the Bible, and if so I very much wish to procure it. I wrote to a booksellr in Salt Lake City and he gave me the names of three books, and ^in^ the one which I have been able to get, I find nothing of the kind. I shall feel myself very much under obliga- tonions to you, if you will give me the desired information. Yours very truly, E. P. Woodward. #305 Cumberland St.

Letter from Alma Findlay, 30 July 1893

Wilford Woodruff Geo. Q. Cannon Joseph F. Smith First Presidency of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints Dear Brethren your letter of July 14th came to hand in due course of mail. In which you call me to attend the Sunday School Normal Course at Provo. The Lord being my helper I will be there on the day named Your Brother in the Gospel, Alma Findlay.

Letter from Fred Warwick, 30 July 1893

Deseret . President Wilford Woodruff Dear Brother: As you wished to hear from me as to what my feelings are with regard to the labor to which I have been called, I will give them in short. As far as I am concerned I am willing to go & do the best that I can. I am young & inixperienced but, if the local Authorities has considered a fit subject to go and take the course I will endeavor to do all that his in my power, with the help & aid of the Lord to assist me.


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Jul 30, 1893